2002 Set celebrates 20th Anniversary


On the 6th of August, 2022, the old girls set of 2002 got together for their 20th anniversary celebration and reunion. It was a time to express gratitude for sustenance while offering a chance to reconnect and reminisce over old times. The event was marked by an "all-white" party featuring motivational talk-sessions on the 6th of August. This was followed by a thanksgiving service at St Anthony Catholic Church, Ewet housing Estate, Uyo, on the 7th of August, 2022. As part of this commemoration project, the girls donated fifty (50) sets of classroom lockers to the school as received by The Principal, Engr Mrs Opute.


Federal Government Girls College Ikot Obio Itong. PMB5003, Mkpat Enin L.G.A.

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